IDUN Guardian Software Links
To protect your privacy, do not use clear names or other personal identifiers as file names in the Webapp or Python SDK.
IDUN Guardian API
For information on how to use our API keys, please see our IDUN Guardian API Docs.
Python Software Development Kit
To use the Python SDK please request an API key from our customer support team at
The Python SDK can be installed here: idun-guardian-sdk.
For more information on how it can be used please check out our documentation here: IDUN Guardian Python SDK.
Using the Python SDK will allow you to design your own experiments/scripts in python and receive real-time or recorded data (EEG, Impedance, IMU).
Before using the Python SDK please make sure that your personal device complies with the Software Specifications.
Lab Streaming Layer
The Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) is a system that allows you to synchronize and stream different streams of data onto your local network.
To start an IDUN Guardian Earbuds recording using LSL, you can use the script.
This script gets the decrypted data from the cloud and streams this onto your current network.
For more information on LSL please refer to the LSL Quick Start Guide.
For more further information and methods on how to analyse the data you can check out this page!
In case you are using the idun-guardian-client module please migrate to the idun-guardian-sdk. For support write to our customer support team at